About Me

Bryan Palma Headshot

My journey into fitness started before I knew it. I grew up playing competitive basketball and soccer as a teenager. In university, I got into running as a way to improve my endurance for those sports. I soon fell in love with running and ran multiple marathons. A few years later, I became interested in strength training as a way to prevent and recover from running injuries. I started attending fitness classes like CrossFit and other boutique studios. I loved the energy from working out in small groups as well as the individualized coaching that many trainers provided. I wanted to educate myself so that I could bring that energy and coaching to more people. This is when I started my intentional journey into fitness.

I educated myself through accredited organizations to become a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Certified Personal Trainer and a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer. I developed practical experience as a trainer at a boutique fitness studio in New York City, where I trained clients through one-on-one personal training and small group classes. I continue to educate myself through additional courses, most recently completing Rehab-U Movement Optimization for Prehab and Performance Level 1 and Achieve Mentors Beyond the CPT.

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